Caribbean Road Networks
Nevis Road Network 2019
Charlestown Nevis Road Network 2019
VerticalGeo spent time this past summer creating road networks for most of the islands in the Caribbean. The screenshots below came from our St Kitts and Nevis Road Network Update Map. You can view our work there on the simple webmap we have posted online. Every year the islands in the Caribbean get slammed with hurricanes and need humanitarian aid to help overcome the disaster. The people of the Caribbean are very resourceful and resilient, and we decided that we could help them by providing updated road network maps. We started with satellite imagery and began with Open Street Map files of the entire Caribbean. We then took these Open Street Map files and used them to show us where the existing road networks were at. When we came across Open Street Map files that weren't accurate we updated them. When we came across areas where we saw road networks on the satellite imagery, but no roads documented in Open Street Map, we added the roads. When we came across roads documented in Open Street Map that we did not find on satellite imagery we deleted them from our Open Street Map files. In the screenshot below the purple roads are the road network we created for the country of Nevis. Here is a close up of the road network of the town of Charlestown in Nevis. We have completed road network mapping for the following countries:
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
French Guiana
Saint Barthelemy
Saint Martin
St Kitts and Nevis
St Lucia
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
US Virgin Islands
We see this as an opportunity to help out the international disaster relief organizations that need data like this to help plan relief efforts around the world.
QGIS Video #2: Digitizing Point Features
Welcome to our second QGIS training video. In this video we will show how to create a point feature shapefile and add cultural landscape icons a small portion of Route 66 in QGIS. We will be adding new videos to our YouTube channel frequently.
QGIS 3.0.0 (Girona) Available for Download
We have been using the free and open source Quantum GIS (QGIS) quite a bit over the last few months. The newest version of QGIS, version 3.0.0 (Girona), has been released and is available for download free of charge here:
It is amazing to see the capability of QGIS these days. If you are just getting started in the GIS world I would start by learning QGIS. If you are experienced in your GIS capabilities then give it a try.