Setting Ground Control at Carlyle Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area
South End of the Carlyle Lake State Fish and Wildlife area along the Kaskaskia River
VerticalGeo spent 3 days in January setting up Ground Control Targets for our upcoming Carlyle Lake LiDAR and Orthophotography project. The weather was horrid and after we set up the Ground Control the snow got worse. It is hard to believe the amount of water on the ground in the Fish and Wildlife Area on the north side of Carlyle Lake.
Setting out on a levee to set Ground Control at the beginning of the project. This is the best weather we encountered for the 3 days of setting out Ground Control Targets
We moved along the levee system setting up targets for our mission
CP8 near a pump station at the south end of the Fish and Wildlife Area
About an hour after we started it began to snow heavily.
It got worse throughout the day
Control Point 10 at the Eckert Access Parking Lot
Finally at the end of the day we had set out 40 targets and we completed our project.
Final point of the day at the Patoka Access Parking Lot. Then a nice, warm drive home